The seminars take place every Monday during term time at 11:15 in the small lecture hall of the Zoological Institute (kleiner Hörsaal, Vesalgasse 1, 1st floor).
Please note! There will be no seminar on the 17th and 24th Septmber.
The seminars grayed out are the "Departments-Kolloquien" of the Department Umweltwissenschaften (DUW). They will take place on Tuesdays at 17:15 in the Geographie building Klingelbergstrasse 27 in the lecture hall on 5th floor. After the talk there will be an apero.
Week | Date | Speaker | Title | Host |
DUW Colloq | 25. Sept 07 | Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm, Mensch Gesellschaft Umwelt | Research on fish at MGU – what is it all about? | |
3 | 01. Oct 07 | Jerome Goudet, Uni. Lausanne | Trait architecture under stabilizing selection | D. Ebert |
4 | 08. Oct 07 | Holger Hoffmann Riem, Eawag Dübendorf | Risk Management of Chemicals as a Real-World Experiment | P. Holm |
5 | 15. Oct 07 | John Pannell, Plant Sciences, Oxford University | Maintaining males with hermaphrodites: models and case studies from plants and animals | L. Schärer |
6 | 22. Oct 07 | Ronald Noe, CNRS Strasbourg, France | Partner choice options influence partner value | D. Ebert |
DUW Colloq | 23. Oct 07 | PD Dr. Peter Huggenberger, Angewandte und Umweltgeologie /Kantonsgeologie | Adaptives Grundwassermanagement als Instrument für die nachhaltige Grundwassernutzung | |
7 | 29. Oct 07 | Peter Ladurner, Universität Innsbruck | The stem cell system of flatworms | L. Schärer |
8 | 05. Nov 07 | Nelson Hairston, Cornell University, USA | How Rapid Evolution Alters Ecological Processes | D. Ebert |
9 | 12. Nov 07 | Henrik Brumm, Max-Planck-Institut Seewiesen | Singing in a noisy world - how birds get their messages across | V. Amrhein |
10 | 19. Nov 07 | Susanne Bruppacher, Universität Bern | Umweltverantwortliches Handeln als Frage des Wissens, des Wollens, und des Könnens | P. Holm |
DUW Colloq | 20. Nov 07 | Prof. Dr. Jörg Schibler, Prähistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie | Ein Blick zurück zum Vorteil für Gegenwart und Zukunft: Die Forschungs- und Lehraktivitäten des IPNA. | |
11 | 26. Nov 07 | Wolfgang Weisser, Uni. Jena, Germany | Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in grasslands: the Jena Experiment | D. Ebert |
12 | 03. Dec 07 | Annetrudi Kress, Universität Basel | Reproductive Biology in Marsupials | P. Holm |
13 | 10. Dec 07 | Uli Reyer, Universität Zürich | The importance of genetics, ecology and behaviour for the structure and dynamics of a sexual parasite host system (Rana lessonae, R. esculenta) | D. Ebert |
14 | 17. Dec 07 | Maurice Kottelat, Cornol | 2352 years of aquatic biodiversity studies — exploration, applications, needs | P. Holm |
DUW Colloq | 18. Dec 07 | Prof. Dr. Bruno Baur, Naturschutzbiologie | Biodiversität als Indikator für eine nachhaltige Landnutzung |