Current Topics in Zoology and Evolution

The "Institutskolloquium" of the Zoological Institute

Fall Term 2018

The seminars take place every Monday during term time at 11:15 in the small lecture hall of the Zoological Institute (kleiner Hörsaal, Vesalgasse 1, 1st floor). Guests are welcome.

Week Date Speaker, Affiliation Title Host
1 17.9. Jonathon Stillman, Berkeley and Basel Hot and Sour Crab: Effects of Warming and Acidification on the Physiology of Coastal Crabs Dieter Ebert
2 24.9. David Trafimow, New Mexico State University Assumptions in Science and Psychology Valentin Amrhein
3 1.10 Judith Mank, UCL The resolution of sexual conflict across the genome Axel Wiberg & Lukas Schärer
4 8.10. Laura Epp, Alfred Wegner Institut, Potsdam, Germany Tracking the history of species and ecosystems with environmental DNA Dieter Ebert
5 15.10. Roman Arguello, University of Lausanne Evolution of sensory systems Daniel Berner
6 22.10. Jacob Musser, EMBL Heidelberg Single-cell RNAseq in a sponge sheds light on the first animal cell types Patrick Tschopp
7 29.10. Peter Ladurner, Uni Innsbruck Mechanisms of biological adhesion Lukas Schärer
8 5.11. Lisa Becking, Wageningen University Marine lakes: natural laboratories of ecology & evolution Walter Salzburger
9 12.11. Seraina Klopfstein, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel Is there a morphological clock? About the use of fossils to date phylogenetic trees Lukas Schärer
10 19.11. Wayne Potts, University of Utah, Salt Lake City Host MHC and genomic diversity retards experimental evolution of viral virulence Dieter Ebert
11 26.11. Daniel Falush, University of Bath The landscapes of coadaptation in Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Helicobacter pylori Walter Salzburger
12 3.12. Jochen Rink, MPI Dresden Molecular and Evolutionary Mechanisms in Planarian Regeneration Patrick Tschopp
13 10.12. Gerald Heckel, University of Bern Evolutionary and ecological feedbacks between rodent and virus speciation Daniel Berner

Credit points

To obtain credit points for participation in this seminar, it is necessary to attend the seminar regularly (sign the list after the seminar) and to write an essay about one of the seminars. Any seminar (except the last two in the term) can be chosen. The essay should be about 3 pages long und should be written in the style of a report/summary of the presentation. It should also include a summary of the main points of the discussion. We prefer essays in English. The essay should be handed in (as a file and in printed form) to the host of the seminar speaker (as listed on the webpage), who will go over it and return it to you with comments. The host of this particular seminar will then send an email to the person responsible for the credit points of the seminar, informing him whether the essay was acceptable or not. An unacceptable essay can be repeated on another occasion.

It is possible to obtain credit points for the Institutskolloqium more than once. To do so, a "Studienvertrag" has to be produced, which needs to be signed by Dieter Ebert at the beginning of the term.

Current Term's Seminars