Current Topics in Zoology and Evolution

The "Institutskolloquium" of the Zoological Institute

Fall Term 2014

The seminars take place every Monday during term time at 11:15 in the small lecture hall of the Zoological Institute (kleiner Hörsaal, Vesalgasse 1, 1st floor). Guests are welcome.

siehe auch: Online Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Week Date Speaker Title Host
1 15.9.
2 22.9. Tanja Stadler, D-BSSE, Basel A unified analysis of neontological and paleontological data Dieter Ebert
3 29.9 Daniel Berner, Zoological Institute, Uni Basel tba na
4 6.10. Cristina Vieira,University of Lyon TBA Anne Roulin
5 13.10.
6 20.10. Rolf Kümmerli, University of Zürich Antagonistic co-evolution between public good producers and cheats in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa Mathias Kölliker
7 27.10. Brian Hollis, University of Lausanne The evolutionary consequences of sexual selection: from gene expression to cognition Daniel Neuckel & Lukas Schärer
8 3.11. Reinmar Hager, University of Manchester Indirect genetic effects that modify maternal behaviour in mice Mathias Kölliker
9 10.11.
10 17.11. John Fitzpatrick, University of Manchester Competition, cooperation and the evolution of weapons Lukas Schärer
11 24.11. Florian Altermatt, EAWAG, Zürich Diversity patterns and dispersal processes in riverine metacommunities Daniel Berner
12 1.12. Rui F. Oliveira, ISPA, Lissabon Neuromolecular mechanisms of social plasticity: lessons from fish Astrid Böhne
13 8.12. Anita Narwani, Eawag, Dübendorf The impact of evolution on competition and coexistence in freshwater green algae Karen Sullam
14 15.12. Nils Anthes, Universität Tübingen Bateman’s principles as a tool to quantify sex differences in sexual selection: a meta-analysis Jeremias Brand & Lukas Schärer

Credit points

To obtain credit points for participation in this seminar, it is necessary to attend the seminar regularly (sign the list after the seminar) and to write an essay about one of the seminars. Any seminar (except the last two in the term) can be chosen. The essay should be about 3 pages long und should be written in the style of a report/summary of the presentation. It should also include a summary of the main points of the discussion. We prefer essays in English. The essay should be handed in (as a file and in printed form) to the host of the seminar speaker (as listed on the webpage), who will go over it and return it to you with comments. The host of this particular seminar will then send an email to the person responsible for the credit points of the seminar, informing him whether the essay was acceptable or not. An unacceptable essay can be repeated on another occasion.

It is possible to obtain credit points for the Institutskolloqium more than once. To do so, a "Studienvertrag" has to be produced, which needs to be signed by Dieter Ebert at the beginning of the term.

Current Term's Seminars

Past Seminars