Current Topics in Zoology and Evolution

The "Institutskolloquium" of DUW Zoology

Spring Term 2020

Due to the ongoing Corona pandemic the seminar is for the time being cancelled. If you need credit points for this seminar please contact your supervisor or Dieter Ebert

The seminars usually take place every Monday during term time at 11:15 in the small lecture hall of the Zoological Institute (kleiner Hörsaal, Vesalgasse 1, 1st floor).

siehe auch: Online Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Week Date Speaker, Affiliation Title Host
1 17.2. Block Course: no seminar
2 24.2. Block Course: Hanno Würbel, University of Bern Reproducibility of animal research in the light of biological variation Patrick Tschopp
3 2.3. (Basler Fasnacht)
4 9.3. Block Course: Simon Sprecher, University of Fribourg Experiencing the world with small brains: Exploring Common Principles in Drosophila Patrick Tschopp
5 16.3. Block Course: Johanna Mappes, University of Jyväskylä CANCELLED!!!! Dieter Ebert
6 23.3. Block Course: Marta Manser, University of Zurich CANCELLED!!!! Vocal complexity in mammals with varying social structure Valentin Amrhein
7 30.3. Block Course: Marta Riutort, Uni Barcelona CANCELLED!!!! Lukas Schärer
8 6.4. CANCELLED!!!!
9 13.4. Easter Monday, no seminar
10 20.4. Dominik Refardt CANCELLED!!!! The ecology of microalgae cultivation for the production of feed and biomaterials Dieter Ebert
11 27.4. Chiara Papetti CANCELLED!!!! Michael Matschiner, Walter Salzburger
12 4.5. Christine Grossen, University of Zürich CANCELLED!!!! Daniel Berner
13 11.5. Michael Rose, University of California at Irvine CANCELLED!!!! Dieter Ebert
14 18.5. Katja Räsänen, EAWAG/ETH Zürich CANCELLED!!!! Daniel Berner
15 25.5. CANCELLED!!!!

Credit points

To obtain credit points for participation in the “Institutskolloquium Zoologie” it is necessary to attend the seminar regularly (sign the list after the seminar) and to write an essay about one of the seminars. Any seminar (except the last two in the term) can be chosen. The essay should be about 3 pages long und should be written in the style of a report/summary of the presentation. It should also include the main points of the discussion. We prefer essays in English. The essay should be handed in (as a file and in printed form) to the host of the seminar speaker (as listed on the webpage). The host of this particular seminar will then send an email to the person responsible for the credit points of the seminar, informing him whether the essay was acceptable or not. An unacceptable essay can be repeated on another occasion. Deadline for handing the essay in is the last seminar of the term.

It is possible to obtain credit points for the Institutskolloqium more than once.

Current Term's Seminars

Past Seminars