Institutskolloquium Zoologisches Institut


Departements (DUW) Kolloquium

Spring Term 2012

The seminars take place every Monday during term time at 11:15 in the small lecture hall of the Zoological Institute (kleiner Hörsaal, Vesalgasse 1, 1st floor).

The seminars grayed out are the "Departements-Kolloquien" of the Department Umweltwissenschaften (DUW). They will take place on Tuesdays at 17:15 either in the lecture hall on the 5th floor of the Geography-building at Klingelbergstrasse 27.
After the talk there will be an apero.

Week Date Speaker Title Host
0 13.2. Jean-Francois Baroiller,
Cirad Montpellier, France
Tilapia Sex Determination: the endless quest for the identification of sex chromosomes in tilapia W. Salzburger
1 20.2. no seminar (block course start)
2 27.2. no seminar (Fasnacht)    
3 5.3. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa tba H. Reichert
  9.3. (Friday!) Andreas Wanninger tba H. Reichert
4 12.3. Robin Moritz, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, Germany Evolutionary genetics of social parsitism in honeybees: the Cape honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis as a model system D. Ebert
DUW Colloq Thur, 13.3 PD Dr. Renate Ebersbach,
IPNA – Integrative Prähistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie 
Nasse Füsse in der Jungsteinzeit – Pfahlbauforschung heute 
Öffentliche Habilitationsvorlesung 
5 19.3. Tamas Szekely, University of Bath, UK tba M. Kölliker, W. Salzburger
6 26.3. Florian Schiestl Pollinator-driven evolution in plants W. Salzburger
7 2.4. Patrick Fitze, University of Lausanne Determinants of Sexual Selection and Population Dynamics M. Kölliker
8 9.4. no seminar (Easter Monday)    
9 16.4. Judith Mank, University of Oxford Sex chromosomes, sex-specific selection and the genomic basis of sexual dimorphism C. Heule, W. Salzburger
10 23.4. Rudolf Amann, Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen, Germany Microbial Interactions in Marine Systems D. Ebert
11 30.4. no seminar (holiday before 1. May)    
12 7.5. Norbert Müller, University of Berne, Switzerland Drug resistance formation in Giardia lamblia K. Haag, D. Ebert
13 14.5. Andrea Pilastro, University of Padua, Italy Post-copulatory sexual selection and male genetic quality in the guppy L. Schärer
14 21. 5. Rebecca Kilner, University of Cambridge, UK Cuckoos versus hosts: Australian rules M. Kölliker
15 28.5. no seminar (Whit Monday)

Current Term's Seminars

Past Seminars