Institutskolloquium Zoologisches Institut


Departements (DUW) Kolloquium

Schedule Spring Term 2009

The seminars take place every Monday during term time at 11:15 in the small lecture hall of the Zoological Institute (kleiner Hörsaal, Vesalgasse 1, 1st floor).

The seminars grayed out are the "Departements-Kolloquien" of the Department Umweltwissenschaften (DUW). They will take place on Tuesdays at 17:15 in the lecture hall 223, 2nd floor of the Bernoullianum, Bernoullistrasse 30/32. After the talk there will be an apero.

Week Date Speaker Title Host
1 16. Feb 09 Piet Spaak, EAWAG Zürich Factors explaining the distribution of a Daphnia hybrid species complex in peri-alpine lakes over space and time Dieter Ebert
2 23. Feb 09 Walter Gehring, Biozentrum, University of Basel TBA Dieter Ebert, Walter Salzburger
DUW Colloq 24. Feb 09 Prof. Thomas Hohn, Botanical Institute, Basel An arms-race between plants and viruses: RNA silencing and its suppression
3 2. Mar 09 no seminar, Basler Fasnacht -
4 9. Mar 09 no seminar, block course -
DUW Colloq 10. Mar 09 Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie LeTensorer, Institut für Prähistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie To be announced.
5 16. Mar 09 Marc Robinson-Rechavi, Lausanne University What after vertebrate whole genome duplication? Dieter Ebert
6 23. Mar 09 Patricia Beldade, Leiden University, The Netherlands Genetic and developmental basis of morphological diversification Walter Salzburger
7 30. Mar 09 Ole Seehausen, EAWAG and Uni. Berne Geographically sympatric speciation in fish is ecologically parapatric Walter Salzburger
8 6. Apr 09 Homayoun Bagheri, Uni. Zurich Division of labor and multicellularity in the early evolution of life: A look at the cyanobacteria Dieter Ebert
DUW Colloq 7. Apr 09 Prof. Dr. Mathias Kölliker, Zoologisches Institut Eltern haben Kinder werden Eltern haben Kinder: Verhaltensevolution in Tierfamilien
9 13. Apr 09 no seminar Ostermontag
10 20. Apr 09 Christian Klingenberg, University of Manchester How animals put themselves together and how it matters for evolution Dita Vizoso
11 27. Apr 09 Christoph Vorburger, University of Zurich Genetic variation, selection and the role of endosymbionts in aphid-parasitoid interactions Mathias Kölliker
12 4. May 09 Claus Wedekind, University of Lausanne Ecological, genetic, and behavioral aspects of host-parasite interactions in fish embryos Dieter Ebert
13 11. May 09      
DUW Colloq 12. May 09 Dr. Jens Leifeld, Institut für Umweltgeowissenschaften, Forschungsanstalt Agroskop Reckenholz-Tänikon The organic fraction in soil. Changing conceptions and challenges for research
14 18. May 09 Geoff Parker, University of Liverpool Evolution of complex life cycles in helminths Lukas Schärer
15 25. May 09 Gro Amdam, Arizona State University and Norwegian University of Life Sciences The making of a social insect - regulatory architectures of social design Mathias Kölliker
16 12. June 09 Patricia Wittkopp, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Genomic sources of expression differences within and between species Walter Salzburger