Seminar: Research in Evolutionary Biology

The "Research Seminar" of DUW Zoology in Fall Term 2023

Research Seminars take place every Tuesday during term time at 12:15 to about 13h (or 13:30 in case of post seminar discussions).

If not mentioned otherwise speakers are members of DUW Zoology.

Week Date Speaker Title Host
1 19.9.
2 26.9.
3 3.10. Meriem Tababouchet About the genus Pseudophoxinus in North Africa Walter Salzburger
4 10.10.
5 17.10.
6 24.10. Fabio Sacher* Molecular codes of neuronal diversification in the vertebrate spinal cord Patrick Tschopp
7 31.10. Alex Suh, Center for Molecular Biodiversity Research Bonn A bird's eye view on programmed DNA elimination Walter Salzburger
8 7.11. Suha Naser* The Evolution of the ABC Supergene in Genus Daphnia dieter ebert
9 14.11. Carlos Herrera Castillo* Investigating the causes of adaptation in three-spined stickleback (a spiny subject) Daniel Berner
10 21.11. Vital Heim Seasonal patterns in stable isotope signatures and body condition parameters in a benthic mesopredator, the Southern stingray dieter ebert
11 28.11. Olivia Baebler* Genomic dissection of a stickleback hybrid zone Daniel Berner
12 5.12. Eric Dexter Strong selection against variant chromosome forms during a bacterial epidemic dieter ebert
13 12.12. Navaneeth Menon* Dietary adaptations in the cichlid gut: A morphological perspective Patrick Tschopp
14 19.12. Eglantine Mathieu Different route of infection within the host is associated with a new locus of resistance in Daphnia dieter ebert

Credit points

To obtain credit points for participation in this seminar, it is necessary to
1) attend the seminar regulary (sign the list in lecture hall or online sign in in the zoom chat) and
2) take part in at least 4 of the 5 post-seminar discussions (about 30 minutes).
The seminars where the name of the speaker is printed in bold type and marked with * will have a post-seminar discussion. During these discussions the quality of the talk will be discussed (in the obligatory absense of the speaker). The speaker will later receive feedback from one participant of the discussion.


Current Term's Seminars

Past Seminars