Seminar: Research in Evolutionary Biology

The "Research Seminar" of DUW Zoology in Fall Term 2022

Research Seminars take place every Tuesday during term time at 12:15 to about 13h (or 13:30 in case of post seminar discussions).

If not mentioned otherwise speakers are members of DUW Zoology.

Week Date Speaker Title Host
1 20.9.
2 27.9. Marcos da Silva Investigating convergence in cichlid fishes at multiple fronts Walter Salzburger
3 4.10. Eglantine Mathieu-Bégné* An integrative view of mechanisms sustaining host-parasite interactions dieter ebert
4 11.10. Joana Santos How sugar helps you to cope with stress dieter ebert
5 18.10.
6 25.10. Navaneeth Menon Dietary adaptations: A morphological perspective Patrick Tschopp
7 1.11. Virginie Ricci* Visual opsin diversity in the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika Walter Salzburger
8 8.11. Alexandra Viertler, NHM Basel Travel through time - unraveling the mysteries of fossil Darwin wasps dieter ebert
9 15.11. Julia Paterno* Dawn singing in mountain woodland songbirds Valentin Amrhein
10 22.11. Lucas Blattner First insights into the population genomic setting of the range expanding Pieris mannii butterfly Daniel Berner
11 29.11. Anja Haefeli* Towards the taxonomic revision of the cichlid tribe Tropheini from Lake Tanganyika Walter Salzburger
12 6.12. Vital Heim Long-term monitoring reveals the impacts of provisioning on the local space-use of great hammerhead sharks dieter ebert
13 13.12. Gabriela Stieger* Integrative imaging approaches to study peripheral nerve patterning Patrick Tschopp
14 20.12. Pascal Angst Genetic drift shapes the evolution of a highly dynamic metapopulation dieter ebert

Credit points

To obtain credit points for participation in this seminar, it is necessary to
1) attend the seminar regulary (sign the list in lecture hall or online sign in in the zoom chat) and
2) take part in at least 4 of the 5 post-seminar discussions (about 30 minutes).
The seminars where the name of the speaker is printed in bold type and marked with * will have a post-seminar discussion. During these discussions the quality of the talk will be discussed (in the obligatory absense of the speaker). The speaker will later receive feedback from one participant of the discussion.


Current Term's Seminars

Past Seminars