Research Seminars take place every Tuesday during term time at 12:15 to about 13h (or 13:30 in case of post seminar discussions). The seminar will be (until further notice) online (zoom). A zoom link will be send around to everybody working in Zoology and to everybody registered for the seminar in MONA. If you want to take part in the seminar, but did not receive the link by Monday before the first seminar, please contact Dieter Ebert via email.
If not mentioned otherwise speakers are members of DUW Zoology.
Week | Date | Speaker | Title | Host |
1 | 21.9. | Benjamin Hüssy | The role of Pasteuria collagen-like proteins in the infection process of Daphnia | dieter ebert |
2 | 28.9. | Moena Ulrich | Physiological and life-history tradeoffs of the holarctic planktonic crustacean Daphnia result from local adaptation |
Jonathon Stillman and
dieter ebert |
3 | 5.10. | |||
4 | 12.10. | |||
5 | 19.10. | Eric Dexter* | Discovering coevolving genes with the help of host-parasite co-genomics | dieter ebert |
6 | 26.10. | Navaneeth Menon | Molecular evolution and ontogenetic development of dietary adaptations in cichlids | Patrick Tschopp |
7 | 2.11. | Ana Di Pietro-Torres* | In vivo functional validation of candidate genes involved in skeletogenic convergence | Patrick Tschopp |
8 | 9.11. | Axel Wiberg | Gene presence/absence patterns and their relation to differences in mating strategies in Macrostomum | Lukas Schärer |
9 | 16.11. | Kimbly Pullens* | Space use and interaction of individuals in a mixed-species zoo enclosure | Valentin Amrhein |
10 | 23.11. | Anne-Catherine Gutzwiller* | Social behaviour of White-winged Snowfinches in winter | Valentin Amrhein |
11 | 30.11. | Laura Rieder | How assessment of anti-MOG antibody binding in different model organisms can facilitate further research in demyelinating diseases | dieter ebert |
12 | 7.12. | Jinhwi Kim | Grooming behaviour in free-roaming herds of Highland Cattle | Valentin Amrhein |
13 | 14.12. | Sarah Müller* | The impact of different overwintering temperatures on the fitness of the solitary bee Osmia bicornis | dieter ebert |
To obtain credit points for participation in this seminar, it is necessary to
1) attend the seminar regulary (sign the list in lecture hall or online sign in in the zoom chat) and
2) take part in at least 4 of the 5 post-seminar discussions (about 30 minutes).
The seminars where the name of the speaker is printed in bold type
and marked with * will have a post-seminar discussion.
During these discussions the quality of the talk will be discussed
(in the obligatory absense of the speaker). The speaker will later receive feedback
from one participant of the discussion.