Research Seminars take place every Tuesday during term time at 12:15 to about 13h (or 13:30 in case of post seminar discussions). In Fall Term 2020 the seminar will be presented in a mix format: a limited number of people will be able to attend the real seminar (practical room of Vesalianum-Nebengebäude, top level), while other listeners will be connected via zoom (see below for more info).
If not mentioned otherwise speakers are members of DUW Zoology.
Week | Date | Speaker | Title | Group | Format |
1 | 15.9. | ||||
2 | 22.9. | Vitor Faria | Understanding host susceptibility to an iridescent virus | Ebert | online only |
3 | 29.9. | Eric Dexter | Patterns and processes of zooplankton invasions in the Pacific Northwest United States | Ebert | mixed |
4 | 6.10. | Pascal Angst* | Genomic variation in two microsporidian parasites of Daphnia | Ebert | mixed |
5 | 13.10. | Lilla Lovász* | Natural grazing in the Petite Camargue Alsacienne | Amrhein | mixed |
6 | 20.10. | Jeanne Brülhart | Seminal fluid proteins and the post-copulatory suck behaviour in different Macrostomum species | Schärer | online only |
7 | 27.10. | Tanja Brechbühl | Genetic basis of adaptation to acidic environments in threespine stickleback fish | Berner | online only |
8 | 3.11. | Gabriele Pumo* | The role of axon guidance molecules in orchestrating the topographic innervation patterns of individual tetrapod digits | Tschopp | online only |
9 | 10.11. | Axel Wiberg* | Two new Macrostomum genomes: what can we learn from them? | Schärer | online only |
10 | 17.11. | Ana di Pietro-Torres | Development of an in vivo CRISPR/Cas9 system with scRNA-seq read-out | Tschopp | online only |
11 | 24.11. | Marcos Da Silva* | Accessing evolutionary convergence in cichlids from two East African Great Lakes and the Amazon basin | Salzburger | online only |
12 | 1.12. | Joana Santos | Trehalose provisioning in resting stages reflects harshness of diapause condition | Ebert | online-only |
13 | 8.12. | Vital Heim | Fishery interaction and regional movements of hammerhead sharks | Ebert | online only |
12 | 15.12. |
To obtain credit points for participation in this seminar, it is necessary to 1) attend the seminar regulary (sign the list in lecture hall or online sign in in the zoom chat) and 2) take part in at least 4 of the 5 post-seminar discussions (about 30 minutes). The seminars where the name of the speaker is printed in bold type and marked with * will have a post-seminar discussion. During these discussions the quality of the talk will be discussed (in the obligatory absense of the speaker). The speaker will later receive feedback from one participant of the discussion.