Seminar: Research in Evolutionary Biology

Schedule Spring Term 2017

Research Seminars take place every Tuesday during term time at 12:15 to 13:30 in the small lecture hall of the Zoological Institute (Vesalgasse 1, first floor).
If not mentioned otherwise speakers are members of the Zoological Institute.

For the new credit point regulation, see below!

Week Date Speaker Title Host
1 21. 2. BLOCK COURSE no seminar
2 28. 2. Axel Wiberg, University of St Andrews The genomic response to selection under altered mating systems Lukas Schärer
3 7. 3. (Basler Fasnacht)
4 14. 3. Elia Heule* A pilot study in surveying cichlids using GoPro transects Walter Salzburger
5 21. 3.
6 28. 3.
7 4. 4. Anna Boila* Feeding ecology in Lake Tanganyika cichlids Walter Salzburger
8 11. 4.      
9 18. 4.
10 25. 4. Markus Möst, Innsbruck University, Austria* Selection and gene flow at major colour pattern loci in mimetic Heliconius butterflies Dieter Ebert
11 2. 5. Madlen Stange Evolution in Northern Neotropical Catfishes Walter Salzburger
12 9. 5.
13 16. 5. Lilla Lovász* Adult sex ratios in birds Valentin Amrhein
14 23. 5. Jelena Rajkov Adaptive divergence in East African cichlid fish: testing for pre- and postzygotic reproductive barriers Bernd Egger/Walter Salzburger
15 30. 5. Christian Feregrino* Cell differentiation and growth in development and evolution Patrick Tschopp

Credit points

To obtain credit points for participation in this seminar, it is necessary to 1) attend the seminar regulary (sign the list) and 2) take part in at least 4 of the 5 post-seminar discussions (about 30 minutes). The seminars where the name of the speaker is printed in bold type and marked with * will have a post-seminar discussion (so far only three speakers are indicated). During these discussions the quality of the talk will be discussed (in the obligatory absense of the speaker). The speaker will later receive feedback from one participant of the discussion.

Current Term's Seminars