Date | Speaker | Title of talk |
03.10 |
10.10 |
17.10 |
24.10 |
31.10 | Svenja Conrad
(MSc student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Characterizing infection by the Alpha lineage of Pasteuria ramosa in Daphnia magna |
07.11 |
14.11 | Georg Sloth
(MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
Plastic responses to dietary changes in rat and quail livers |
21.11 | Pia Karbiener/Group III reps
PhD and Post Doc representative at the department meetings |
28.11 | Inés Piñero
(MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
05.12 | Christmas Aperol
12.12 |
19.12 |
Spring Term 2024 | ||
07.03 |
14.03 |
21.03 | Luca Pecalli
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Molecular interaction between D. magna and P. ramosa |
04.04 |
11.04 |
18.04 | Annalena Keller
(MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
Effects of Protein Overexpression on Interzone Cell Shapes |
25.04 |
02.05 | Georg Sloth
(MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
Adaptive response of rat and quail livers to dietary variation |
09.05 |
Ascension Day |
16.05 | Sandhya Narayanan
(MSc student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Investigating the cost and effect of a large structural polymorphism in Daphnia magna |
23.05 | Jahn Ringger
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Watch the Red Queen run: Observing coevolution between a model organism and its parasite in real time |
30.05 | Aurelia Wolf
(MSc student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
The Lateral Line System of Lake Tanganyika Cichlids |
Fall Term 2023 | ||
21.09 |
28.09 | Joana Rodrigues Lopes dos Santos
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Exploring environmental adaptation in human genomes |
05.10 | Rita Gonzalez
(Technical Associate)
Alex Schier Group, Biozentrum, UniBas |
Zambia, fieldwork 2023 |
12.10 | Melody Wu
(PhD student)
David Marques Group, Nat Hist Museum, UniBas |
Exploring the speciation mechanisms behind the Larus Large white-headed gull radiation |
19.10 | Elisa Karen da Silva Ramos
David Marques Group, Nat Hist Museum, UniBas |
Generating high-quality genomic resources for comparative genomics of large white-headed gulls (Larus ssp.) |
26.10 |
02.11 |
09.11 | Olivia Bäbler
(MSc student)
Daniel Berner Group, UniBas |
Genomic dissection of a stickleback hybrid zone |
16.11 | Carlos Herrera
(PhD student)
Daniel Berner Group, UniBas |
Investigating the causes of adaptation in three-spined sticklebacks (a spiny subject) |
23.11 | Maxime Policarpo
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Evolution of chemoreception in cichlids |
30.11 |
07.12 |
14.12 |
21.12 | Alisha May
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
The interplay of cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic factors during skeletogebic cell fate convergence and the evolution of Christmas |
Spring Term 2023 |
23.02 | Ana Di Pietro-Torres
(PhD student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
In vivo functional validation of candidate regulators involved in skeletogenic convergence |
02.03 |
09.03 | IMovie
Released April 2020 |
"Picture a Scientist" chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists |
16.03 |
23.03 | Maridel Fredericksen
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Using proteomics data to identify molecules governing infectivity in a bacterial parasite |
30.03 | Carolin Sommer-Trembo
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Exploration of behavioural niches in one of the largest adaptive radiations |
06.04 | Easter Holiday
13.04 | Easter Holiday
20.04 | Daniela Souza-Costa
(PhD Student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Diving into the historic origins of genetic diversity in cichlid fishes of African Lake Tanganyika |
27.04 | Vital Heim
(PhD Student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Healing capacities in sharks and implications for tagging studies |
04.05 | Fabio Sacher
(PhD Student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
A single-cell atlas of the developing spinal cord |
18.05 | Ascension Day
25.05 | Lilla Lovasz
Amrhein Group, UniBas |
Linking ecosystem functions through megafauna |
01.06 | James Lusana
(PhD Student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Exploring the phylogenetic and genomic perspective on the diversity, ecology and evolution of Catfishes in Lake Tanganyika |
Fall Term 2022 |
22.09 | Gabriela Stieger
(MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
Integrative imaging approaches to study peripheral nerve patterning. |
20.10 | Nathalie Matthey-de-l'Endroit
(PhD student)
Berner Group, UniBas |
The effects of urbanization on relative eye length and nocturnal activity in ants |
27.10 | Maxime Policarpo
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Evolution of chemosensory genes in Vertebrates |
03.11 | Lily Fogg
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Life in a dark sea: Dim-light visual adaptations in reef and deep sea fishes |
10.11 | Christina Tadiri
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Spores in the water: transmission dynamics of an environment-borne parasite |
17.11 | Suha Naser
Ebert Group, UniBas |
The Root of The Problem in The Root of a Phylogeny |
24.11 | Eglantine Mathieu-Bégné
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Detection of resistance genes in Daphnia magna facing different strains of the parasite Pasteuria ramosa: use and limitation of multivariate analyses |
01.12 | Grégoire Vernaz
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
The Mobilome of the Lake - the role of transposable elements in shaping cichlid diversification |
08.12 | Eric Dexter
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Developing methods to measure rapid evolution among wild populations in real time |
15.12 | Ana Di Pietro-Torres
(PhD student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
In vivo functional validation of candidate regulators involved in skeletogenic convergence using a CRISPR screening approach |
Spring Term 2022 |
24.02 | Marcos Da Silva
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Convergent evolution in the light of shape variance of cichlid fishes |
03.03 | Vital Heim
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Local space-use of great hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna mokarran, at the Western edge of the Great Bahama Bank |
24.03 | Fabrizia Ronco
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Tracing morphological evolution over the course of the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika |
31.03 | Chantal Oliver
(MSc Student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Exploring with a conspecific in cichlid fish |
21.04 | Frederic Schedel
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
A brief introduction into the ichthyofauna of the wonderful Rivers and Lakes of Northern Zambia |
28.04 | Joana Santos
(PhD Student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
The role of trehalose in a planktonic crustacean under salinity stress |
05.05 | Hannah Augustijnen
(PhD Student)
Lucek Group, UniBas |
Speciation through chromosomal fusion and fission in Erebia butterflies, a group with holocentric chromosomes |
19.05 | Maridel Fredericksen
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Appalachian Adventures: stories and pictures from 6+ months on the Trail |
02.06 | Navaneeth Menon
(PhD Student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
Dietary adaptations: A morphological perspective |
Fall Term 2021 |
23.09 | Santhosh
(PhD student)
Schärer Group, UniBas |
Sperm Competition Mechanisms in a Simultaneous Hermaphrodite |
30.09 | Matthias Janeschik
(visiting student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
How to shave a spider's leg: Duplication & divergence of a sensory hair gene in spiders |
14.10 | Pascal Angst
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Genomic diversity and genomic differentiation in a D. magna metapopulation |
21.10 | Benjamin Hüssy
(Master student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Exploring the diversity of Pasteuria infection phenotypes in Daphnia |
28.10 | Eric Dexter
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Using co-genome sequencing of hosts and parasites to reveal linked loci across genomes |
04.11 | Fabio Sacher
(scientific collaborator)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
Being picky: Selecting good quality cDNA libraries for sequencing |
11.11 | Menghan Wang
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
Single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analysis in skeletal development of chicken embryo |
18.11 | Carlos Herrera
(PhD student)
Berner Group, UniBas |
Developmental genetic basis of skeletal evolution in stickleback fish |
02.12 | Antoine Fages
Tschopp & Salzburger Groups, UniBas |
Deciphering the origins of horse domestication |
09.12 | Simona Ruffener
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Pieris mannii habitat distribution and de novo genome assembly |
Spring Term 2021 |
11.03 | Julia M. I. Barth
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
From diverse research questions to a focus on genomic diversity |
18.03 | Lukas Schärer
(group leader)
Schärer Group, UniBas |
How to make a good presentation |
25.03 | Tomasz Mamos
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Radiation of Gammarus species flock in ancient Lake Ohrid: New project in evolutionary study of crustaceans |
08.04 | Alexandra Viertler
(PhD student)
UniBe |
Assessing the impact of the K-Pg mass extinction event on Darwin wasps |
15.04 | Maxwell Shafer & Annika Nichols
Schier Group, Biozentrum, UniBas |
Exploring sleep ecology and genetics across hyperdiverse Lake Tanganyikan cichlids |
22.04 | Cody Garcia
(Matura student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Behavioral Repeatability of Lake Tanganyika Cichlid Fish |
29.04 | Matthias Janeschik
(visiting student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
All roads lead to Bone - Investigating cell type convergence in vertebrate skeletogenesis |
20.05 | Joana Santos
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Evidence of thermal adaptation on collagen genes in Daphnia magna |
Fall Term 2020 |
01.10 | Le Liu
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Beautiful lakes in China |
08.10 | Virginie Ricci
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Potential visual adaptation of cichlids through changes in RH1 |
15.10 | Frédéric Schedel
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Phylogeny, divergence time estimates and systematics of African cichlids (Cichlidae: Pseudocrenilabrinae), with a focus on the rheophilic cichlids of East and Central Africa |
22.10 | Alix Thivolle
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Genetic basis of Pasteuria ramosa infectivity |
05.11 | Navaneeth Menon
(PhD student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas |
Sweden to Switzerland: Transition from birds to fishes |
12.11 | Marlon Henseler
(Master student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Characterization of a genomic region associated with D.magna resistance to the bacterial pathogen P.ramosa |
19.11 | Moena Ulrich
(Master student)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Exploring the relationships among metabolic rate, movement and life-history traits across diverse populations of the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna |
03.12 | Cristina Mercoli
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Evaluating hydrogen stable isotope ratios in cichlids as indicator of trophic relationships in food webs from Lake Tanganyika |
10.12 | Charlotte Huyghe
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas |
The fantastic fishguts of Lake Tanganyika and what to find in them |
Spring Term 2020 |
12.03 | Virginie Ricci
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
CANCELLED!!! The visual system in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid adaptive radiation |
19.03 | Tomasz Mamos
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
26.03 | Benjamin Hüssy
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
02.04 | Axel Wiberg
Schärer Group, Unibas |
16.04 | Joana Santos
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
30.04 | Jeanne Brülhart
(Master student)
Schärer Group, Unibas |
07.05 | Eric Dexter
Ebert Group, Unibas |
14.05 | Moena Ulrich
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
28.05 | Marlon Henseler
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Fall Term 2019 |
26.09 | General discussion
Interaction Seminar meet and greet |
03.10 | Axel Wiberg
Schärer Group, Unibas |
Sexual conflict in natural populations of D. melanogaster: a half-baked plan for a grant proposal |
10.10 | Maridel Fredericksen
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Finding the 'F' locus: Characterizing a new Pasteuria resistance region in the Daphnia magna genome |
17.10 | Eleanor Spencer
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Temperature effects on the internesting period of eastern Australian sea turtles |
24.10 | Joana Santos
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Summer is coming: Can habitat trigger production of a protective sugar in Daphnia resting eggs? |
31.10 | Nicolas Feigenwinter
(Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas |
Molecular Evolution and Development of Dietary adaptions in Vertebrates at the micro- and macroscopic Scale |
07.11 | Darío Sánchez Castro
(PhD student)
Willi Group, Unibas |
Biotic and abiotic factors constraining species distributions |
14.11 | Aline de Courten
(Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas |
Role of a BMP signaling pathway modulator in differentiating digit patterning |
21.11 | Tanja Brechbühl
(Master student)
Berner Group, Unibas |
Genetic basis of stickleback adaptation to acidic environments |
28.11 | Milan Malinsky
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Molecular basis of convergent evolution between cichlid fishes of lakes Malawi and Tanganyika |
05.12 | Marcos da Silva
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Intercontinental convergence: the cichlids case |
Spring Term 2019 |
14.03 | Maridel Fredericksen
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Could sugars be the key to infection? Exploratory lectin staining in D. magna and P. ramosa |
21.03 | Pascal Angst
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Genome variation in the microsporidian Ordospora colligata |
28.03 | Joana Santos
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Daphnia magna and a microsporidian interaction: sexual reproduction and environmental adaptation |
04.04 | Cheng Choon Ang
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Immunity supergene in Daphnia magna: Pasteuria Resistance (PR) locus? |
11.04 | Michael Rechsteiner
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Taxonomically restricted genes in the cichlid radiation of Lake Tanganyika |
25.04 | multiple speakers
**SPECIAL EDITION** Sci Pet Peeve round table |
02.05 | Chloé Moreau
Tschopp Group, Unibas |
Elucidating the gene regulatory logic underlying skeletogenic cell fate convergence at cellular resolution |
09.05 | Pragya Singh
(PhD student)
Schärer Group, Unibas |
Evolution of mating behaviour in a flatworm genus |
16.05 | Ana Di Pietro
(Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas |
In vivo functional validation of candidate genes involved in skeletogenic convergence |
23.05 | Vitor Faria
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Resting in peace: a parasitic threat to Daphnia sexual eggs |
Fall Term 2018 |
4.10 | Alicia Welti
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Nature doesn't count: The underlying genomics of plate size in three-spined stickleback |
11.10 | Carolin Sommer-Trembo
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
The role of behaviour in the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika |
18.10 | Marcos Silva
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Chromosomal and karyotypic evolution in Characidae: the Astyanax case |
25.10 | Virginie Ricci
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Transcription Factor Binding Sites and Transposable Elements in fish genomes |
1.11 | Georgia Rouseti
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Understanding coevolution through host-parasite interspecies linkage disequilibrium |
8.11 | Fabienne Nick
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Determinants of salinity tolerance in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna |
15.11 | Gabriele Pumo
(Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas |
New digit, who dis? The role of axon guidance in the adaptation of the neuromuscular system to changes in dactyly |
22.11 | Elena Menéndez
(Master student)
Schärer Group, Unibas |
Stylet regeneration in Macrostomum |
29.11 | Fabio Sacher
(Master student)
Tschopp Group |
Recovering spatial information in scRNA-seq data from the chicken limb bud |
6.12 | Athimed El Taher
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Sex chromosome evolution in Lake Tanganyika cichlids |
Spring Term 2018 |
8.3 | Alexander Hobi
(Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas |
Conserved enhancers of transcription factors Sox9 and Gdf5 in the vertebrate limb |
15.3 | Anna Eberhard
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Genetic identification of ungulates trough mtDNA on browsed twig in Switzerland Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden |
22.3 | Axel Wiberg
Schärer Group, Unibas |
Sex, genes, and molecular evolution |
5.4 | Mirjam Bissegger
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Strong autosomal sexual differences in Gasterosteus aculeatus: Antagonistic selection or genome assembly issues? |
12.4 | Nicola Mazzoleni
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
RNA interference in Daphnia magna |
19.4 | Ricardo Lamano
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Population genetics analysis of Barbus barbus and Leuciscus souffia in Basel |
26.4 | Emmanuelle Grall
(PhD student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas |
Cell fate decisions during development: Establishment of the joint cells' identity |
3.5 | Aishwarya Ravi
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Gene Duplications of Olfactory Receptors in Astatotilapia burtoni and its Molecular Karma |
17.5 | Jeremias Brand
(PhD student)
Schärer Group, Unibas |
Should we study cryptic speciation and introgression in Macrostomum Flatworms? |
24.5 | Alexandra Viertler
(Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Scale morphology in Lake Tanganyika cichlids |
Fall Term 2017 |
2.11 | Mariko Dale
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Transcriptomics of Daphnia and Pasteuria system |
9.11 | Lilla Lovász
(PhD student)
Amrhein Group, Unibas |
The beasts and the trees - natural grazing in conservation management |
16.11 | Meret Halter
(Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Population genetic investigation of QTLs of resistance in a natural metapopulation |
30.11 | Bianka Berki
(PhD student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas |
Too many fingers! Adaptation of the neuromuscular system to polydactyly |
7.12 | Athimed El Taher
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Transcriptomal diversity in Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishes |
Spring Term 2017 |
5.4 | Maridel Fredericksen
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Proteomics of resistance and infectivity |
12.4 | Christian Feregrino
(PhD student)
Tschopp Laboratory, Unibas |
Regulatory Evolution of Skeletal Development |
19.4 | Jelena Rajkov
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Game of Thrones in Lake Tanganyika: The battle between river and lake |
26.4 | Luca Cornetti
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Trans-species polymorphism in Daphnia |
3.5 | Telma Laurentino
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
What's going on with the Stickle's plates?! Diving in the genome to understand a phenotype |
10.5 | Lilla Lovász
(Master student)
Amrhein Group, Unibas |
Predictors of adult sex ratios in birds |
Fall Term 2016 |
3.11 | Athimed El Taher
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Transcriptome diversity of lake Tanganyka Cichlid fishes |
10.11 | Telma Laurentino
(PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Fishing for answers on how genomic selection enables “stickles” to adapt to divergent environments |
17.11 | Camille Ameline
(PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Genetics and evolutionary dynamics of resistance in a fast evolving population |
1.12 | Pragya Singh
(PhD student)
Schärer Group, Unibas |
Mating behaviour and phenotypic plasticity in Macrostomum species |
Summer 2016 |
1.6 | Jeremias Brand (PhD student)
Schärer Group, Unibas |
A phylogenomic view of sexual trait evolution in Macrostomum |
29.6 | Philipp Kaufmann
(MSc student)
Schärer Group, Unibas |
Social effects on self-fertilisation in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum hytrix |
Fall Term 2013 |
20.11 | Yann Bourgeois | Dynamics of co-evolution in a natural Daphnia magna-Pasteuria ramosa population |
4.12 | Anja Buerkli | Evolutionary causes and consequences of variation in individual selfing rates in the simultaneously hermaphroditic freshwater snail Radix balthica |
Fall Term 2012 |
3.10. |
Alexandra Mushegian (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Daphnia Microbiota and Maternal Effects |
17.10. |
Kristina Vogt (PhD student)
Koelliker Group, Unibas |
31.10. |
Jessica Michel (Msc Student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
14.11. |
Anne Roulin (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
28.11. |
Gilberto Neves Bento (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Spring Term 2012 |
28.3. | Zuzana Musilova (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, Unibas |
Transcriptome sequencing of two African chichlid-fishes systems |
11.4. | Marilou Sison-Mangus (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Understanding Microbiota Diversity in Daphnia: From Ecology to Function |
25.4. | Cesar Metzger (PhD Student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Going for the throat: survival of the stickiest |
9.5. | Andrea Kaufmann (MSc Student)
Ebert Group, Unibas |
Host range and local adaptation in the microsporidia Hamiltosporidium tvaerminnensis |
16.5. | Jessica Abbot (Junior Group Leader)
University of Lund, SWE |
30.5. | Kristina Anselm (MSc Student)
Ebert Group |
Fall Term 2011 |
21.09 | vacant
5.10 | vacant
19.10 | Micha Eichmann (MSc Student)
Schärer Group, UniBas |
Cancelled, shifted to 23 November |
2.11 | Akram El Gebali (PhD Student)
Kölliker and Walser Groups, UniBas |
An insight into earwig transcriptome |
16.11 | Stefan Boos (MSc Student)
Kölliker Group, UniBas |
Benefits of maternal egg-attendance in a harsh environment in Forficula auricularia |
23.11 | Micha Eichmann (MSc Student)
Schärer Group, UniBas |
Sperm allocation, sperm removal & mating roles. Sperm competition games in a simultaneous hermaphrodite |
30.11 | Samuel Pichon (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas |
Evolution of the microbial composition in Daphnia. |
14.12 | Nadja Burri (MSc Student)
Schärer Group, UniBas |
Interacting phenotypes in a simultaneous hermaphrodite - How does your partner's genotype influences you |
Spring Term 2011 |
9 March 2011 | no seminar | - |
23 March 2011 | Marinela Dukiç (Phd student) Ebert Group, UniBas |
Loss of heterozygosity in parthenogenesis - causes and consequences |
6 April 2011 | Melanie Clerc (MSc student) Ebert Group, UniBas |
Castration and the correlated response of gigantism in Daphnia magna infected by Pasteuria ramosa |
20 April 2011 | Tobias Schär (MSc student) Ebert Group, UniBas |
Investigations on an unknown microsporidian gut parasite of Daphnia magna |
new date: 11 May 2011 |
Sebastian Gygli (MSc student) Walser Group, UniBas |
Molecular bases of bacteria-host cell adherence: investigating the case of Pasteuria ramosa |
18 May 2011 | Astrid Boehne (PostDoc) Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Sex determination in cichlids |
1 June 2011 | Lucas Marie-Orleach (Phd student) Schärer Group, UniBas |
Male & Female Genetic Interactions in a Simultaneous Hermaphrodite |
Fall Term 2010 |
22 September 2010 | César Metzger & Pepijn Luijckx (PhD students) Ebert Group, UniBas |
Experimental co-evolution by negative frequency-dependent selection under semi-natural conditions |
6 October 2010 | Roberto Arbore (MSc student) Schärer Group, UniBas |
Identification of sex-specific transcripts using RNA-seq. |
20 October 2010 | Steve Ramm (Post-Doc) Schärer Group, UniBas |
Quantitative genetics of sex in a simultaneous hermaphrodite |
3 November 2010 | Jason Andras (Post-Doc) Ebert Group, UniBas |
Biogeography of Pasteuria ramosa, a bacterial parasite of Daphnia species |
17 November 2010 | no seminar |
1 December 2010 | Romain Rouchet (PhD student) Vorburger Group, ETH Zürich |
Host-parasitoid coevolution: The role of parasitoid adaptation to endosymbiont-mediated defence in aphids |
Thursday 9th December (extra seminar) |
Corina Heule (MSc student) Salzburger Group, UniBas |
Sex Determination and Differentiation in African Cichlids |
15 December 2010 | Markus Möst (PhD student) Eawag/ECO, Dübendorf |
The Daphnia longispina-galeata-cucullata complex in south-alpine lakes: an attempt to reconstruct past populations. |
Spring Term 2010 |
03 March 2010 | Dimitri Stucki (Master at Uni. Basel, Kolliker's group) | "Antagonistic parent-offspring co-adaptation with sibling rivalry" |
10 March 2010 | Dieter Ebert (professor at Uni. Basel) | "Metagenomics in metapopulations: testing for coevolution of microbiota" |
14 April 2010 | Yamenah Gomez (Master at Uni. Basel, Kolliker's group) | "Family cohesion in European earwigs: Behavioural dynamics of mother-offspring interactions" |
28 April 2010 | Marius Roesti (Master at Univ. Basel, Berner's group) | "Genomic insights in the adaptive divergence of a Lake and a Stream threespine stickleback population pair in Switzerland" |
05 May 2010 | Belz Elodie (PhD at FiBL at Frick, Balmer's group) | “Behavioural studies to improve biocontrol in cabbage fields – Attraction of parasitoids and factors affecting their behaviour” |
26 May 2010 | Joel Meunier (Post-doc at Uni. Basel, Kolliker's group) | "Incest avoidance in earwigs" |
2 June 2010 | Niklaus Mehring (Master at Uni. Basel, Walser's group) | "Evolution of telomere associated proteins" |
Autumn Term 2009 |
30 September 2009 | Matthew Hall (University of Basel, Ebert's group) | Sex, diet and death: how food and genetics influence the process of aging for males and females. |
14 october 2009 | no seminar | |
28 october 2009 | Benjamin Lange (Uni. Leuven, Decaestecker's group) | Daphnia symbiont community response to environmental changes. |
11 november 2009 | Janine Wong (Uni. Basel, Kolliker's group) | Solicitation vs Self-foraging - Feeding strategies in nymph of the European earwig. |
18 november 2009 | Britta Meyer (Uni. Basel, Salzburger's group) | Phylogenetic relationships and population structures of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid assemblage with multimarker analyses. |
25 november 2009 | Alexander VonUngern-Sternberg (Uni. Lausanne, Goudet's group) | Three approaches to model nongenetic inheritance: evolutionary implications. |
2 december 2009 | Elham Sheikhjabbari (Uni. Basel, Ebert's group) | The influence of the microsporidium Octosporea bayeri on the resting eggs of its host Daphnia magna. |
16 december | Anne Burkhardt (Uni. Neuchatel, Bernasconi's group) | Conflicts of interest between a plant and its pollinating seed predator. |
Spring Term 2009 |
Feb 25, 2009 | Moritz Muschick | The genealogical sorting index - computation and possible use in group assignment |
Apr 8, 2009 | David Duneau | tba |
Apr 22, 2009 | Celine Geneau | Enhancing biological control of cabbage pests by companion plants |
May 6, 2009 | Emilia Santos | Dissecting the genetic and molecular basis of parallel evolution of eggspots in Cichlid fishes |
May 20, 2009 | NO SEMINAR | - |
Fall Term 2008 |
Sep 24, 2008 | NO SEMINAR | - |
Oct 8, 2008 | Nicole Kalberer | Cost of Dispersal by Flight |
Oct 15, 2008
Adele Mennerat | On Salmon and Lice |
Oct 22, 2008 | Nadia Dürr | Attractiveness of companion plants to parasitoids of cabbage pests |
Nov 5, 2008 | Lisa Schild | Communal Roosting of Wintering Red Kites (Milvus milvus) |
Nov 19, 2008 | Nicolas Biber | Large Herbivore Migration in Fragmented Rain Forest Area |
Dec 3, 2008 | Jarkko Routtu | Genetic basis of host-parasite interactions |
Dec 10, 2008
Pepijn Luijckx | We got Pasteuria ramosa clones! What are the implications and what do we do with them? |
Dec 17, 2008 | Florian Altermatt | The influence of disturbances on dispersal and species diversity in experimental metacommunities |
Spring Term 2008 |
Feb 27, 2008 | no seminar | Blockkurs |
Mar 12, 2008 | no seminar | Blockkurs |
Mar 26, 2008 | Nadine Adelbert | Intraspecific competition between Trypanosoma brucei strains in vitro |
Apr 9, 2008 | Philipp Sprau | Distance dependent use of aggressive signals in nightingales (Luscinia megarhyn chos) |
Apr 23, 2008 | Dieter Ebert | Comparative metagenomics of Daphnia symbionts |
Apr 30, 2008
Extra Seminar |
Kiyono Sekii | Experimental test of sex allocation theory using the RNAi-knockdown approach |
May 7, 2008 | Harris Fienberg | Inheritance of immunity in Daphnia |
May 14, 2008
Extra Seminar |
Ellen van Velzen | The effect of cryptic choice on sex allocation |
May 21, 2008 | Barbara Colucci | Seasonal Variations in the Systematic Diversity of Plankton in the Strait of Gibra ltar |
Fall Term 2007 |
26th September, 2007 | Pepijn Luijckx | Interactions between Daphnia magna and Pasteuria ramosa, testing the red queen |
10th October, 2007 | Peter Sandner | Mate choice - sexual conflict in Macrostomum lignano |
24th October, 2007 | Michael Coslovsky | Growing in a dangerous 'hood - research plans for the coming season |
7th November, 2007 | David Duneau | Host-parasite interaction, the transmission of the microsporidium Octosporea ba yeri in the host with cyclical parthenogene sis, Daphnia magna |
21th November, 2007 | Benjamin Lange | Challenging the host – novel host barrier using the Octosporea bayeri – Daphnia magna parasite-host system |
Summer Term 2007 |
4th April, 2007 | Roger Kouyos | The Red Queen and the evolution of recombination in finite populations |
2nd May, 2007 | Michael Oberle | Bottlenecks during trypanosome development in the tsetse fly vector |
16th May, 2007 | Frances McStea | Prospecting behavior of male Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos in the late breeding season |
13th June, 2007 | Tobias Roth | Territory settlement patterns in the nightingales |
4th June, 2007 | Tim Janicke | Sperm competition games played by outcrossing hermaphrodites |
Winter Term 2006/2007 |
Nov 8, 2006 | Roth, Olivia | Evolution of specificity in innate immunity |
Nov 29, 2006 | Mas, Flore | Chemical communication and maternal care |
Dec 6, 2006 | Dobler, Ralph | Mother vs. offspring: who will win the "food-allocation-conflict"? |
Dec 20, 2006 | Biedermann, Peter (University of Berne, Department of Behavioural Ecology) | Towards eusociality in ambrosia beetles - Are daughters delaying dispersal for alt ruistc reasons? |
Jan 10, 2007 | Saggese, Katja | How does extra food supply influence territories and reproduction success in the g reat tit (Parus major)? |
Jan 24, 2007 | Bieger, Annette | When it gets crowded in the Daphnia population: The consequences of host density o n parasite virulence |
Feb 7, 2007 | van Velzen, Ellen | When love hurts: Sexual conflict, hermaphrodites and the evolution of separate sex es |
Summer Term 2006 |
12 Apr 2006 | Dr. Sabrina Gaba (INRA Avignon & Evolutionary Biology, Zoological Institute, University of Basel) | Coevolution and modelling: what are the needed assumptions? |
26 Apr 2006 | Adrian Baumeyer (Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Basel) | City Moths: Is there evidence for adaptive evolution to avoid fitness loss caused by city lights? |
10 May 2006 | Dr. Guillaume Martin (Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne) | The effect of mutations on fitness, empirical patterns in the light of a simple fitness landscape model |
17 May 2006 | Michael Stärkle (Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Basel) | Trophallaxis as a subsocial behaviour in the European earwig Forficula auricularia (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) |
7 Jun 2006 | Fleur Daugey | Edge effects on abundance and diversity of small mammals in agricultural landscapes |
21 Jun 2006 | Michael Coslovsky (Conservation Biology, University of Basel) | - |
5 Jul 2006 | Dr. Georg Armbruster (Conservation Biology, University of Basel) | GC3 nucleotide evolution in histone genes |
Winter Term 2005/2006 |
26 Oct 2005 | Dr. Isabelle Colson (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) | Finding Daphnia's genes involved in resistance to Pasteuria infections: approaches and prospects |
9 Nov 2005 | Raffael Ayé (Swiss Tropical Institute) | How free is free health-care in Tajikistan? And does not-being-free free up a tuberculosis epidemic? |
16 Nov 2005 | Daniela Brites (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) | The role of host genetics in the interaction between D. magna and parasites. |
23 Nov 2005 | Dr. Mathias Kölliker (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) | Confusions with retrospective power calculations |
14 Dec 2005 | Thomas Kühl (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) | Horizontal and vertical transmission - the best strategy for Octosporea bayeri to maximize parasite fitness in Daphnia magna |
21 Dec 2005 | Julia Leimkugel (Swiss Tropical Institute) | Clonal waves of bacterial colonisation and disease in the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa |
11 Jan 2006 | Thomas Zumbrunn (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) | Spatiotemporal analysis of long-term dynamics in a Daphnia rock pool metacommunity |
25 Jan 2006 | Thomas Fabbro (University of Fribourg) | Genetic analysis of quantitative traits: Can our data challenge our model? |
8 Feb 2006 | Dr. Iris Zellmer (University of Halle) | Ozone hole and global warming - will arctic plankton communities change? |
22 Feb 2006 | Almut Scherer (ETH Zürich) | "Less is a little bit more" – Epitope expression levels affect T-cell coexistence in silico and in vivo |
15 Mar 2006 | Dr. Mathias Wegner (ETH Zürich) | The Tribolium genome: Selective impacts or trivia cast in silico ...? |
29 Mar 2006 | Flora Mauch | Salmonella – a model system to study genetics |
Summer Term 2005 |
16 Feb 2005 | Thomas Fabbro (University of Fribourg) | Another Idea about the Evolution of Leaf Shape |
16 Mar 2005 | Florian Altermatt (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) | Local adaptation in progress |
30 Mar 2005 | PD Dr. Pascal Niklaus | Digging in the dirt: The quest for ecological controls of soil methane and nitrous oxide fluxes |
13 Apr 2005 | Dr. Ingrid Felger | Fitness costs of drug resistance in malaria |
11 May 2005 | no Interaction Seminar! | - |
25 May 2005 | Oliver Balmer | Interactions between co-infecting strains and parasite virulence evolution in T rypanosoma brucei |
8 June 2005 | Justyna Wolinska (EAWAG Dübendorf) | Is there any evidence of a host-parasite co evolution in a natural system? |