Past Interaction Seminars

Fall Term 2024

Date Speaker Title of talk
31.10 Svenja Conrad (MSc student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Characterizing infection by the Alpha lineage of Pasteuria ramosa in Daphnia magna
14.11 Georg Sloth (MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
Plastic responses to dietary changes in rat and quail livers
21.11 Pia Karbiener/Group III reps
PhD and Post Doc representative at the department meetings
28.11 Inés Piñero (MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
05.12 Christmas Aperol

Spring Term 2024

21.03 Luca Pecalli (PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Molecular interaction between D. magna and P. ramosa
18.04 Annalena Keller (MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
Effects of Protein Overexpression on Interzone Cell Shapes
02.05 Georg Sloth (MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
Adaptive response of rat and quail livers to dietary variation
Ascension Day
16.05 Sandhya Narayanan (MSc student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Investigating the cost and effect of a large structural polymorphism in Daphnia magna
23.05 Jahn Ringger (PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Watch the Red Queen run: Observing coevolution between a model organism and its parasite in real time
30.05 Aurelia Wolf (MSc student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
The Lateral Line System of Lake Tanganyika Cichlids

Fall Term 2023

28.09 Joana Rodrigues Lopes dos Santos (PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Exploring environmental adaptation in human genomes
05.10 Rita Gonzalez (Technical Associate)
Alex Schier Group, Biozentrum, UniBas
Zambia, fieldwork 2023
12.10 Melody Wu (PhD student)
David Marques Group, Nat Hist Museum, UniBas
Exploring the speciation mechanisms behind the Larus Large white-headed gull radiation
19.10 Elisa Karen da Silva Ramos (PostDoc)
David Marques Group, Nat Hist Museum, UniBas
Generating high-quality genomic resources for comparative genomics of large white-headed gulls (Larus ssp.)
09.11 Olivia Bäbler (MSc student)
Daniel Berner Group, UniBas
Genomic dissection of a stickleback hybrid zone
16.11 Carlos Herrera (PhD student)
Daniel Berner Group, UniBas
Investigating the causes of adaptation in three-spined sticklebacks (a spiny subject)
23.11 Maxime Policarpo (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Evolution of chemoreception in cichlids
21.12 Alisha May (Postdoc)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
The interplay of cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic factors during skeletogebic cell fate convergence and the evolution of Christmas

Spring Term 2023

23.02 Ana Di Pietro-Torres (PhD student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
In vivo functional validation of candidate regulators involved in skeletogenic convergence
09.03 IMovie (Docu)
Released April 2020
"Picture a Scientist" chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists
23.03 Maridel Fredericksen (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Using proteomics data to identify molecules governing infectivity in a bacterial parasite
30.03 Carolin Sommer-Trembo (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Exploration of behavioural niches in one of the largest adaptive radiations
06.04 Easter Holiday
13.04 Easter Holiday
20.04 Daniela Souza-Costa (PhD Student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Diving into the historic origins of genetic diversity in cichlid fishes of African Lake Tanganyika
27.04 Vital Heim (PhD Student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Healing capacities in sharks and implications for tagging studies
04.05 Fabio Sacher (PhD Student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
A single-cell atlas of the developing spinal cord
18.05 Ascension Day
25.05 Lilla Lovasz (PostDoc)
Amrhein Group, UniBas
Linking ecosystem functions through megafauna
01.06 James Lusana (PhD Student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Exploring the phylogenetic and genomic perspective on the diversity, ecology and evolution of Catfishes in Lake Tanganyika

Fall Term 2022

22.09 Gabriela Stieger (MSc student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
Integrative imaging approaches to study peripheral nerve patterning.
20.10 Nathalie Matthey-de-l'Endroit (PhD student)
Berner Group, UniBas
The effects of urbanization on relative eye length and nocturnal activity in ants
27.10 Maxime Policarpo (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Evolution of chemosensory genes in Vertebrates
03.11 Lily Fogg (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Life in a dark sea: Dim-light visual adaptations in reef and deep sea fishes
10.11 Christina Tadiri (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Spores in the water: transmission dynamics of an environment-borne parasite
17.11 Suha Naser (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
The Root of The Problem in The Root of a Phylogeny
24.11 Eglantine Mathieu-Bégné (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Detection of resistance genes in Daphnia magna facing different strains of the parasite Pasteuria ramosa: use and limitation of multivariate analyses
01.12 Grégoire Vernaz (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
The Mobilome of the Lake - the role of transposable elements in shaping cichlid diversification
08.12 Eric Dexter (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Developing methods to measure rapid evolution among wild populations in real time
15.12 Ana Di Pietro-Torres (PhD student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
In vivo functional validation of candidate regulators involved in skeletogenic convergence using a CRISPR screening approach

Spring Term 2022

24.02 Marcos Da Silva (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Convergent evolution in the light of shape variance of cichlid fishes
03.03 Vital Heim (PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Local space-use of great hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna mokarran, at the Western edge of the Great Bahama Bank
24.03 Fabrizia Ronco (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Tracing morphological evolution over the course of the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika
31.03 Chantal Oliver (MSc Student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Exploring with a conspecific in cichlid fish
21.04 Frederic Schedel (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
A brief introduction into the ichthyofauna of the wonderful Rivers and Lakes of Northern Zambia
28.04 Joana Santos (PhD Student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
The role of trehalose in a planktonic crustacean under salinity stress
05.05 Hannah Augustijnen (PhD Student)
Lucek Group, UniBas
Speciation through chromosomal fusion and fission in Erebia butterflies, a group with holocentric chromosomes
19.05 Maridel Fredericksen (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Appalachian Adventures: stories and pictures from 6+ months on the Trail
02.06 Navaneeth Menon (PhD Student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
Dietary adaptations: A morphological perspective

Fall Term 2021

23.09 Santhosh (PhD student)
Schärer Group, UniBas
Sperm Competition Mechanisms in a Simultaneous Hermaphrodite
30.09 Matthias Janeschik (visiting student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
How to shave a spider's leg: Duplication & divergence of a sensory hair gene in spiders
14.10 Pascal Angst (PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Genomic diversity and genomic differentiation in a D. magna metapopulation
21.10 Benjamin Hüssy (Master student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Exploring the diversity of Pasteuria infection phenotypes in Daphnia
28.10 Eric Dexter (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Using co-genome sequencing of hosts and parasites to reveal linked loci across genomes
04.11 Fabio Sacher (scientific collaborator)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
Being picky: Selecting good quality cDNA libraries for sequencing
11.11 Menghan Wang (PostDoc)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
Single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analysis in skeletal development of chicken embryo
18.11 Carlos Herrera (PhD student)
Berner Group, UniBas
Developmental genetic basis of skeletal evolution in stickleback fish
02.12 Antoine Fages (PostDoc)
Tschopp & Salzburger Groups, UniBas
Deciphering the origins of horse domestication
09.12 Simona Ruffener (Master student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Pieris mannii habitat distribution and de novo genome assembly

Spring Term 2021

11.03 Julia M. I. Barth (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
From diverse research questions to a focus on genomic diversity
18.03 Lukas Schärer (group leader)
Schärer Group, UniBas
How to make a good presentation
25.03 Tomasz Mamos (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Radiation of Gammarus species flock in ancient Lake Ohrid: New project in evolutionary study of crustaceans
08.04 Alexandra Viertler (PhD student)
Assessing the impact of the K-Pg mass extinction event on Darwin wasps
15.04 Maxwell Shafer & Annika Nichols (PostDocs)
Schier Group, Biozentrum, UniBas
Exploring sleep ecology and genetics across hyperdiverse Lake Tanganyikan cichlids
22.04 Cody Garcia (Matura student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Behavioral Repeatability of Lake Tanganyika Cichlid Fish
29.04 Matthias Janeschik (visiting student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
All roads lead to Bone - Investigating cell type convergence in vertebrate skeletogenesis
20.05 Joana Santos (PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Evidence of thermal adaptation on collagen genes in Daphnia magna

Fall Term 2020

01.10 Le Liu (PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Beautiful lakes in China
08.10 Virginie Ricci (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Potential visual adaptation of cichlids through changes in RH1
15.10 Frédéric Schedel (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Phylogeny, divergence time estimates and systematics of African cichlids (Cichlidae: Pseudocrenilabrinae), with a focus on the rheophilic cichlids of East and Central Africa
22.10 Alix Thivolle (PhD student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Genetic basis of Pasteuria ramosa infectivity
05.11 Navaneeth Menon (PhD student)
Tschopp Group, UniBas
Sweden to Switzerland: Transition from birds to fishes
12.11 Marlon Henseler (Master student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Characterization of a genomic region associated with D.magna resistance to the bacterial pathogen P.ramosa
19.11 Moena Ulrich (Master student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Exploring the relationships among metabolic rate, movement and life-history traits across diverse populations of the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna
03.12 Cristina Mercoli (Master student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Evaluating hydrogen stable isotope ratios in cichlids as indicator of trophic relationships in food webs from Lake Tanganyika
10.12 Charlotte Huyghe (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
The fantastic fishguts of Lake Tanganyika and what to find in them

Spring Term 2020

12.03 Virginie Ricci (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
CANCELLED!!! The visual system in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid adaptive radiation
19.03 Tomasz Mamos (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
26.03 Benjamin Hüssy (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
02.04 Axel Wiberg (PostDoc)
Schärer Group, Unibas
16.04 Joana Santos (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
30.04 Jeanne Brülhart (Master student)
Schärer Group, Unibas
07.05 Eric Dexter (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas
14.05 Moena Ulrich (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
28.05 Marlon Henseler (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas

Fall Term 2019

26.09 General discussion
Interaction Seminar meet and greet
03.10 Axel Wiberg (Postdoc)
Schärer Group, Unibas
Sexual conflict in natural populations of D. melanogaster: a half-baked plan for a grant proposal
10.10 Maridel Fredericksen (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Finding the 'F' locus: Characterizing a new Pasteuria resistance region in the Daphnia magna genome
17.10 Eleanor Spencer (Intern)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Temperature effects on the internesting period of eastern Australian sea turtles
24.10 Joana Santos (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Summer is coming: Can habitat trigger production of a protective sugar in Daphnia resting eggs?
31.10 Nicolas Feigenwinter (Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas
Molecular Evolution and Development of Dietary adaptions in Vertebrates at the micro- and macroscopic Scale
07.11 Darío Sánchez Castro (PhD student)
Willi Group, Unibas
Biotic and abiotic factors constraining species distributions
14.11 Aline de Courten (Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas
Role of a BMP signaling pathway modulator in differentiating digit patterning
21.11 Tanja Brechbühl (Master student)
Berner Group, Unibas
Genetic basis of stickleback adaptation to acidic environments
28.11 Milan Malinsky (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Molecular basis of convergent evolution between cichlid fishes of lakes Malawi and Tanganyika
05.12 Marcos da Silva (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Intercontinental convergence: the cichlids case

Spring Term 2019

14.03 Maridel Fredericksen (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Could sugars be the key to infection? Exploratory lectin staining in D. magna and P. ramosa
21.03 Pascal Angst (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Genome variation in the microsporidian Ordospora colligata
28.03 Joana Santos (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Daphnia magna and a microsporidian interaction: sexual reproduction and environmental adaptation
04.04 Cheng Choon Ang (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Immunity supergene in Daphnia magna: Pasteuria Resistance (PR) locus?
11.04 Michael Rechsteiner (Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Taxonomically restricted genes in the cichlid radiation of Lake Tanganyika
25.04 multiple speakers
**SPECIAL EDITION** Sci Pet Peeve round table
02.05 Chloé Moreau (PostDoc)
Tschopp Group, Unibas
Elucidating the gene regulatory logic underlying skeletogenic cell fate convergence at cellular resolution
09.05 Pragya Singh (PhD student)
Schärer Group, Unibas
Evolution of mating behaviour in a flatworm genus
16.05 Ana Di Pietro (Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas
In vivo functional validation of candidate genes involved in skeletogenic convergence
23.05 Vitor Faria (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Resting in peace: a parasitic threat to Daphnia sexual eggs

Fall Term 2018

4.10 Alicia Welti (Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Nature doesn't count: The underlying genomics of plate size in three-spined stickleback
11.10 Carolin Sommer-Trembo (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
The role of behaviour in the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika
18.10 Marcos Silva (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Chromosomal and karyotypic evolution in Characidae: the Astyanax case
25.10 Virginie Ricci (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Transcription Factor Binding Sites and Transposable Elements in fish genomes
1.11 Georgia Rouseti (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Understanding coevolution through host-parasite interspecies linkage disequilibrium
8.11 Fabienne Nick (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Determinants of salinity tolerance in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna
15.11 Gabriele Pumo (Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas
New digit, who dis? The role of axon guidance in the adaptation of the neuromuscular system to changes in dactyly
22.11 Elena Menéndez (Master student)
Schärer Group, Unibas
Stylet regeneration in Macrostomum
29.11 Fabio Sacher (Master student)
Tschopp Group
Recovering spatial information in scRNA-seq data from the chicken limb bud
6.12 Athimed El Taher (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Sex chromosome evolution in Lake Tanganyika cichlids

Spring Term 2018

8.3 Alexander Hobi (Master student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas
Conserved enhancers of transcription factors Sox9 and Gdf5 in the vertebrate limb
15.3 Anna Eberhard (Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Genetic identification of ungulates trough mtDNA on browsed twig in Switzerland Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden
22.3 Axel Wiberg (PostDoc)
Schärer Group, Unibas
Sex, genes, and molecular evolution
5.4 Mirjam Bissegger (Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Strong autosomal sexual differences in Gasterosteus aculeatus: Antagonistic selection or genome assembly issues?
12.4 Nicola Mazzoleni (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
RNA interference in Daphnia magna
19.4 Ricardo Lamano (Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Population genetics analysis of Barbus barbus and Leuciscus souffia in Basel
26.4 Emmanuelle Grall (PhD student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas
Cell fate decisions during development: Establishment of the joint cells' identity
3.5 Aishwarya Ravi (Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Gene Duplications of Olfactory Receptors in Astatotilapia burtoni and its Molecular Karma
17.5 Jeremias Brand (PhD student)
Schärer Group, Unibas
Should we study cryptic speciation and introgression in Macrostomum Flatworms?
24.5 Alexandra Viertler (Master student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Scale morphology in Lake Tanganyika cichlids

Fall Term 2017

2.11 Mariko Dale (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Transcriptomics of Daphnia and Pasteuria system
9.11 Lilla Lovász (PhD student)
Amrhein Group, Unibas
The beasts and the trees - natural grazing in conservation management
16.11 Meret Halter (Master student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Population genetic investigation of QTLs of resistance in a natural metapopulation
30.11 Bianka Berki (PhD student)
Tschopp Group, Unibas
Too many fingers! Adaptation of the neuromuscular system to polydactyly
7.12 Athimed El Taher (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Transcriptomal diversity in Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishes

Spring Term 2017

5.4 Maridel Fredericksen (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Proteomics of resistance and infectivity
12.4 Christian Feregrino (PhD student)
Tschopp Laboratory, Unibas
Regulatory Evolution of Skeletal Development
19.4 Jelena Rajkov (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Game of Thrones in Lake Tanganyika: The battle between river and lake
26.4 Luca Cornetti (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Trans-species polymorphism in Daphnia
3.5 Telma Laurentino (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
What's going on with the Stickle's plates?! Diving in the genome to understand a phenotype
10.5 Lilla Lovász (Master student)
Amrhein Group, Unibas
Predictors of adult sex ratios in birds

Fall Term 2016

3.11 Athimed El Taher (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Transcriptome diversity of lake Tanganyka Cichlid fishes
10.11 Telma Laurentino (PhD student)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Fishing for answers on how genomic selection enables “stickles” to adapt to divergent environments
17.11 Camille Ameline (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Genetics and evolutionary dynamics of resistance in a fast evolving population
1.12 Pragya Singh (PhD student)
Schärer Group, Unibas
Mating behaviour and phenotypic plasticity in Macrostomum species

Summer 2016

1.6 Jeremias Brand (PhD student)
Schärer Group, Unibas
A phylogenomic view of sexual trait evolution in Macrostomum
29.6 Philipp Kaufmann (MSc student)
Schärer Group, Unibas
Social effects on self-fertilisation in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum hytrix

Fall Term 2013

20.11 Yann Bourgeois Dynamics of co-evolution in a natural Daphnia magna-Pasteuria ramosa population
4.12 Anja Buerkli Evolutionary causes and consequences of variation in individual selfing rates in the simultaneously hermaphroditic freshwater snail Radix balthica

Fall Term 2012

3.10. Alexandra Mushegian (PhD student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Daphnia Microbiota and Maternal Effects
17.10. Kristina Vogt (PhD student)
Koelliker Group, Unibas
31.10. Jessica Michel (Msc Student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
14.11. Anne Roulin (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas
28.11. Gilberto Neves Bento (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas

Spring Term 2012

28.3. Zuzana Musilova (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, Unibas
Transcriptome sequencing of two African chichlid-fishes systems
11.4. Marilou Sison-Mangus (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Understanding Microbiota Diversity in Daphnia: From Ecology to Function
25.4. Cesar Metzger (PhD Student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Going for the throat: survival of the stickiest
9.5. Andrea Kaufmann (MSc Student)
Ebert Group, Unibas
Host range and local adaptation in the microsporidia Hamiltosporidium tvaerminnensis
16.5. Jessica Abbot (Junior Group Leader)
University of Lund, SWE
30.5. Kristina Anselm (MSc Student)
Ebert Group

Fall Term 2011

21.09 vacant
5.10 vacant
19.10 Micha Eichmann (MSc Student)
Schärer Group, UniBas
Cancelled, shifted to 23 November
2.11 Akram El Gebali (PhD Student)
Kölliker and Walser Groups, UniBas
An insight into earwig transcriptome
16.11 Stefan Boos (MSc Student)
Kölliker Group, UniBas
Benefits of maternal egg-attendance in a harsh environment in Forficula auricularia
23.11 Micha Eichmann (MSc Student)
Schärer Group, UniBas
Sperm allocation, sperm removal & mating roles.
Sperm competition games in a simultaneous hermaphrodite
30.11 Samuel Pichon (PostDoc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Evolution of the microbial composition in Daphnia.
14.12 Nadja Burri (MSc Student)
Schärer Group, UniBas
Interacting phenotypes in a simultaneous hermaphrodite -
How does your partner's genotype influences you

Spring Term 2011

9 March 2011 no seminar -
23 March 2011 Marinela Dukiç (Phd student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Loss of heterozygosity in parthenogenesis - causes and consequences
6 April 2011 Melanie Clerc (MSc student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Castration and the correlated response of gigantism in Daphnia magna infected by Pasteuria ramosa
20 April 2011 Tobias Schär (MSc student)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Investigations on an unknown microsporidian gut parasite of Daphnia magna
new date:
11 May 2011
Sebastian Gygli (MSc student)
Walser Group, UniBas
Molecular bases of bacteria-host cell adherence: investigating the case of Pasteuria ramosa
18 May 2011 Astrid Boehne (PostDoc)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Sex determination in cichlids
1 June 2011 Lucas Marie-Orleach (Phd student)
Schärer Group, UniBas
Male & Female Genetic Interactions in a Simultaneous Hermaphrodite

Fall Term 2010

22 September 2010 César Metzger & Pepijn Luijckx
(PhD students)

Ebert Group, UniBas
Experimental co-evolution by negative frequency-dependent selection under semi-natural conditions
6 October 2010 Roberto Arbore (MSc student)
Schärer Group, UniBas
Identification of sex-specific transcripts using RNA-seq.
20 October 2010 Steve Ramm (Post-Doc)
Schärer Group, UniBas
Quantitative genetics of sex in a simultaneous hermaphrodite
3 November 2010 Jason Andras (Post-Doc)
Ebert Group, UniBas
Biogeography of Pasteuria ramosa, a bacterial parasite of Daphnia species
17 November 2010 no seminar
1 December 2010 Romain Rouchet (PhD student)
Vorburger Group, ETH Zürich
Host-parasitoid coevolution: The role of parasitoid adaptation to endosymbiont-mediated defence in aphids
Thursday 9th December
(extra seminar)
Corina Heule (MSc student)
Salzburger Group, UniBas
Sex Determination and Differentiation in African Cichlids
15 December 2010 Markus Möst (PhD student)
Eawag/ECO, Dübendorf
The Daphnia longispina-galeata-cucullata complex in south-alpine lakes: an attempt to reconstruct past populations.

Spring Term 2010

03 March 2010 Dimitri Stucki (Master at Uni. Basel, Kolliker's group) "Antagonistic parent-offspring co-adaptation with sibling rivalry"
10 March 2010 Dieter Ebert (professor at Uni. Basel) "Metagenomics in metapopulations: testing for coevolution of microbiota"
14 April 2010 Yamenah Gomez (Master at Uni. Basel, Kolliker's group) "Family cohesion in European earwigs: Behavioural dynamics of mother-offspring interactions"
28 April 2010 Marius Roesti (Master at Univ. Basel, Berner's group) "Genomic insights in the adaptive divergence of a Lake and a Stream threespine stickleback population pair in Switzerland"
05 May 2010 Belz Elodie (PhD at FiBL at Frick, Balmer's group) “Behavioural studies to improve biocontrol in cabbage fields – Attraction of parasitoids and factors affecting their behaviour”
26 May 2010 Joel Meunier (Post-doc at Uni. Basel, Kolliker's group) "Incest avoidance in earwigs"
2 June 2010 Niklaus Mehring (Master at Uni. Basel, Walser's group) "Evolution of telomere associated proteins"

Autumn Term 2009

30 September 2009 Matthew Hall (University of Basel, Ebert's group) Sex, diet and death: how food and genetics influence the process of aging for males and females.
14 october 2009 no seminar
28 october 2009 Benjamin Lange (Uni. Leuven, Decaestecker's group) Daphnia symbiont community response to environmental changes.
11 november 2009 Janine Wong (Uni. Basel, Kolliker's group) Solicitation vs Self-foraging - Feeding strategies in nymph of the European earwig.
18 november 2009 Britta Meyer (Uni. Basel, Salzburger's group) Phylogenetic relationships and population structures of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid assemblage with multimarker analyses.
25 november 2009 Alexander VonUngern-Sternberg (Uni. Lausanne, Goudet's group) Three approaches to model nongenetic inheritance: evolutionary implications.
2 december 2009 Elham Sheikhjabbari (Uni. Basel, Ebert's group) The influence of the microsporidium Octosporea bayeri on the resting eggs of its host Daphnia magna.
16 december Anne Burkhardt (Uni. Neuchatel, Bernasconi's group) Conflicts of interest between a plant and its pollinating seed predator.

Spring Term 2009

Feb 25, 2009 Moritz Muschick The genealogical sorting index - computation and possible use in group assignment
Apr 8, 2009 David Duneau tba
Apr 22, 2009 Celine Geneau Enhancing biological control of cabbage pests by companion plants
May 6, 2009 Emilia Santos Dissecting the genetic and molecular basis of parallel evolution of eggspots in Cichlid fishes
May 20, 2009 NO SEMINAR -

Fall Term 2008

Sep 24, 2008 NO SEMINAR -
Oct 8, 2008 Nicole Kalberer Cost of Dispersal by Flight
Oct 15, 2008
Adele Mennerat On Salmon and Lice
Oct 22, 2008 Nadia Dürr Attractiveness of companion plants to parasitoids of cabbage pests
Nov 5, 2008 Lisa Schild Communal Roosting of Wintering Red Kites (Milvus milvus)
Nov 19, 2008 Nicolas Biber Large Herbivore Migration in Fragmented Rain Forest Area
Dec 3, 2008 Jarkko Routtu Genetic basis of host-parasite interactions
Dec 10, 2008
Pepijn Luijckx We got Pasteuria ramosa clones! What are the implications and what do we do with them?
Dec 17, 2008 Florian Altermatt The influence of disturbances on dispersal and species diversity in experimental metacommunities

Spring Term 2008

Feb 27, 2008 no seminar Blockkurs
Mar 12, 2008 no seminar Blockkurs
Mar 26, 2008 Nadine Adelbert Intraspecific competition between Trypanosoma brucei strains in vitro
Apr 9, 2008 Philipp Sprau Distance dependent use of aggressive signals in nightingales (Luscinia megarhyn chos)
Apr 23, 2008 Dieter Ebert Comparative metagenomics of Daphnia symbionts
Apr 30, 2008
Extra Seminar
Kiyono Sekii Experimental test of sex allocation theory using the RNAi-knockdown approach
May 7, 2008 Harris Fienberg Inheritance of immunity in Daphnia
May 14, 2008
Extra Seminar
Ellen van Velzen The effect of cryptic choice on sex allocation
May 21, 2008 Barbara Colucci Seasonal Variations in the Systematic Diversity of Plankton in the Strait of Gibra ltar

Fall Term 2007

26th September, 2007 Pepijn Luijckx Interactions between Daphnia magna and Pasteuria ramosa, testing the red queen
10th October, 2007 Peter Sandner Mate choice - sexual conflict in Macrostomum lignano
24th October, 2007 Michael Coslovsky Growing in a dangerous 'hood - research plans for the coming season
7th November, 2007 David Duneau Host-parasite interaction, the transmission of the microsporidium Octosporea ba yeri in the host with cyclical parthenogene sis, Daphnia magna
21th November, 2007 Benjamin Lange Challenging the host – novel host barrier using the Octosporea bayeri Daphnia magna parasite-host system

Summer Term 2007

4th April, 2007 Roger Kouyos The Red Queen and the evolution of recombination in finite populations
2nd May, 2007 Michael Oberle Bottlenecks during trypanosome development in the tsetse fly vector
16th May, 2007 Frances McStea Prospecting behavior of male Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos in the late breeding season
13th June, 2007 Tobias Roth Territory settlement patterns in the nightingales
4th June, 2007 Tim Janicke Sperm competition games played by outcrossing hermaphrodites

Winter Term 2006/2007

Nov 8, 2006 Roth, Olivia Evolution of specificity in innate immunity
Nov 29, 2006 Mas, Flore Chemical communication and maternal care
Dec 6, 2006 Dobler, Ralph Mother vs. offspring: who will win the "food-allocation-conflict"?
Dec 20, 2006 Biedermann, Peter (University of Berne, Department of Behavioural Ecology) Towards eusociality in ambrosia beetles - Are daughters delaying dispersal for alt ruistc reasons?
Jan 10, 2007 Saggese, Katja How does extra food supply influence territories and reproduction success in the g reat tit (Parus major)?
Jan 24, 2007 Bieger, Annette When it gets crowded in the Daphnia population: The consequences of host density o n parasite virulence
Feb 7, 2007 van Velzen, Ellen When love hurts: Sexual conflict, hermaphrodites and the evolution of separate sex es

Summer Term 2006

12 Apr 2006 Dr. Sabrina Gaba (INRA Avignon & Evolutionary Biology, Zoological Institute, University of Basel) Coevolution and modelling: what are the needed assumptions?
26 Apr 2006 Adrian Baumeyer (Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Basel) City Moths: Is there evidence for adaptive evolution to avoid fitness loss caused by city lights?
10 May 2006 Dr. Guillaume Martin (Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne) The effect of mutations on fitness, empirical patterns in the light of a simple fitness landscape model
17 May 2006 Michael Stärkle (Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Basel) Trophallaxis as a subsocial behaviour in the European earwig Forficula auricularia (Dermaptera: Forficulidae)
7 Jun 2006 Fleur Daugey Edge effects on abundance and diversity of small mammals in agricultural landscapes
21 Jun 2006 Michael Coslovsky (Conservation Biology, University of Basel) -
5 Jul 2006 Dr. Georg Armbruster (Conservation Biology, University of Basel) GC3 nucleotide evolution in histone genes

Winter Term 2005/2006

26 Oct 2005 Dr. Isabelle Colson (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) Finding Daphnia's genes involved in resistance to Pasteuria infections: approaches and prospects
9 Nov 2005 Raffael Ayé (Swiss Tropical Institute) How free is free health-care in Tajikistan? And does not-being-free free up a tuberculosis epidemic?
16 Nov 2005 Daniela Brites (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) The role of host genetics in the interaction between D. magna and parasites.
23 Nov 2005 Dr. Mathias Kölliker (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) Confusions with retrospective power calculations
14 Dec 2005 Thomas Kühl (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) Horizontal and vertical transmission - the best strategy for Octosporea bayeri to maximize parasite fitness in Daphnia magna
21 Dec 2005 Julia Leimkugel (Swiss Tropical Institute) Clonal waves of bacterial colonisation and disease in the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa
11 Jan 2006 Thomas Zumbrunn (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) Spatiotemporal analysis of long-term dynamics in a Daphnia rock pool metacommunity
25 Jan 2006 Thomas Fabbro (University of Fribourg) Genetic analysis of quantitative traits: Can our data challenge our model?
8 Feb 2006 Dr. Iris Zellmer (University of Halle) Ozone hole and global warming - will arctic plankton communities change?
22 Feb 2006 Almut Scherer (ETH Zürich) "Less is a little bit more" – Epitope expression levels affect T-cell coexistence in silico and in vivo
15 Mar 2006 Dr. Mathias Wegner (ETH Zürich) The Tribolium genome: Selective impacts or trivia cast in silico ...?
29 Mar 2006 Flora Mauch Salmonella – a model system to study genetics

Summer Term 2005

16 Feb 2005 Thomas Fabbro (University of Fribourg) Another Idea about the Evolution of Leaf Shape
16 Mar 2005 Florian Altermatt (Zoological Institute, Uni Basel) Local adaptation in progress
30 Mar 2005 PD Dr. Pascal Niklaus Digging in the dirt: The quest for ecological controls of soil methane and nitrous oxide fluxes
13 Apr 2005 Dr. Ingrid Felger Fitness costs of drug resistance in malaria
11 May 2005 no Interaction Seminar! -
25 May 2005 Oliver Balmer Interactions between co-infecting strains and parasite virulence evolution in T rypanosoma brucei
8 June 2005 Justyna Wolinska (EAWAG Dübendorf) Is there any evidence of a host-parasite co evolution in a natural system?